The Time Has Come To Join The Revolution

We often look to the greatest companies of all time for inspiration.  We admire each founder’s ability to achieve so much – we listen to their speeches, read their biographies and are amazed at how they were able to make a company everything it needed to be from nothing.  We all dream of following in the steps of these innovators and aim to be guided by their wisdom.  And they all have certain things in common – the ability to think outside the box, to step into the future and pave the way to reach their goals and a strong ‘success is the only option’ mind-set.  But there is something else they all have in common.  Something you may not be aware of but which is a contributing factor to their success.

Google, Apple, IBM, Nike, Sony, IKEA, eBay, Starbucks, BlackRock, Virgin.  No need to make any introductions.  We all know they are game changers in their respective fields.  And we can all imagine what they have in common – the qualities we listed earlier.  But there is another activity they all partake in.  They implement it on a daily basis from management down and some have even created their own in house programs.  And you may be surprised to hear what it is.  Interested? Read on.

Workplace stress is a real thing and contributes to many serious illnesses including hypertension, cardiovascular disease and depression.  According to a report by Stanford Business in 2015, these workplace related illnesses are now so common that in the U.S. they kill more than 120,000 people per year.  This makes work related stress one of the top 5 causes of death in the USA. That is an astounding number and should be of great concern.  Workplace stress needs to be managed – employees need to be able to thrive and be productive in their fields and workplaces have a responsibility to ensure that this is the case.  Not only for the wellbeing of their employees but for the wellbeing of the company as a whole.

But luckily there is something that can help – a tool that has been gaining in popularity over the past few years and is now being implemented by the largest corporations in the world as standard practice.  From hedge fund managers through to lawyers and IT professionals, it is becoming inherent in the culture of their companies and has resulted in some incredible positive results.  Ready to hear what it is?

Mindfulness. Otherwise known as Meditation.

An increasing number of professors at some of the top universities in the world including Harvard, Stanford and MIT are proponents of mindfulness training for business executives.  “The scientific evidence of the benefits of meditation show that regular practice can have demonstrable effects on brain and immune function” (Professor Richard Davidson, University of Wisconsin).  A study at Harvard has shown that meditation literally rebuilds the brain’s grey matter in 8 weeks.  Companies implementing mindfulness programs have noted a significant increase in clarity during decision making, increased focus, better memory, better performance, increased efficiency and communication skills and an overall improvement of the mental and physical health of their employees.

The process is not onerous, nor is it time consuming.  15-20 minutes a day of being present, clearing your head and focusing on your breath is sufficient.  Most companies set up 30 minute sessions twice a week enabling staff to join in guided mindfulness meditations either in person, via video or phone dial in.  Once they have the tools they need, they can practice it on their own each day in the time it takes to pop out for a take away coffee or browse the day’s news headlines.

We know that the health and wellbeing of all employees is critical to ensuring the success of any business. So what are you waiting for?


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